cv     info

elena victoria pastor (Caracas, 1982, she/her) is an interdisciplinary artist whose work encompasses performance, video, installation, sound, and objects created from her performative actions. Rooted in the exploration of diverse worldviews, part of her practice deals with the tension between Western ecological thought and indigenous cosmovisions from the Amazon, questioning and expanding beyond anthropocentric perspectives. Elena victoria imagines and speculates on interconnected futures, where empathy and planetary care reshape our shared existence.

Her immersive works, employing sound, video, voice, and videomapping, invite deep reflection in a welcoming environment. By enveloping her visitors in a sensorial embrace, elena victoria seduces them into self-reflection, fostering a dialogue about humanity’s relationship to the planet and other species. With a feminist and postcolonial approach, her art envisions new possibilities for coexistence, revealing the delicate interplay between strength and vulnerability while urging us to rethink our place in an interwoven, shared future.

Her work has been exhibited in various international venues, including Performance Arts Links Stockholm, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Kunsthaus Hamburg, Museum of Modern Art Jesus Soto, Museum of Contemporary Art MACZUL, International Performance Studies Conference PSi28 Johannesburg, National Gallery of Arts Caracas, Casa de América Madrid, Sammlung Falckenberg of Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Kunsthalle Trier, FABRIKculture during ArtBasel 2024, Museum of Contemporary Art of Istria and Venezuelan American Endownment of the Arts at Lincoln Center NYC.

image: Jewgeni Roppel