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1982* Caracas, Venezuela
lives and works in Hamburg, Germany

Grants, Awards & More
Part of the PerformVu streaming platform dedicated to the performing arts based in New York City.

Selected at Performance Studies International Conference PSi#28 at Johanesburg.

Selected to showcase artwork at the National Gallery of Arts in Venzuela for Proyecto Creadoras curated by Lorena Gonzales Inneco with the support of Banco de Desarrollo
de America Latina y el Caribe CAF, Volante Studio and GBG Arts at Caracas.

First price Videoart at Bienal Internacional de Arte de la ULA, Mérida.

Studio Grant Künster_innenhaus Vorwerk-Stift Hamburg. Working grant for visual arts of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg 2021.

Art collection of the Labin family.

Art collection of Carolina Herrera Pacannins.

Silent Action with Annie Leibovitz at The Venezuelan American Endowments of the Arts - VAEA, Lincoln Center, New York.

Selected at PhotoEspaña Festival together with CAF presented Elemento Latente, collective exhibition at Servicio Social de Comercio Sao Paulo and Centro Andaluz
de la Fotografía Almeria.

Selected for Discoveries, a collective exhibition of Latin American photographers that would be exhibited at Casa de América at the Photo España Festival Madrid.
Portfolio review in Caracas and Sao Paulo for selection for exhibition at Photo España Festival.

Selected at Jóven Octubre. Exhibition of young emerging artists at Jesus Soto Museum. Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela.

Philadelphia Fringe Festival. Piedra. Video performance. Dislocated 2024 International Performance Video Showcase. Curated by Dissident Bodies & Casa Duende.
San Juan, USA & Philadelphia, USA.

New Musueum of Networked Arts. Inside the whale. Sound piece. The Sound of the Anthropocene curated by Wilfried Agricola. Cologne, Germany.

Museum of Contemporary Art of Istria in Pula. Footprint, 15 mt frottage. Collective exhibition SúnPoíēsis curated by Sabina Oroshi, head director Ketrin Milićević 
Mijošek. Pula, Croatia (C)

FABRIKculture. In Search of a New Symbiosis Part II: The Unknown, interactive installation. Exhibition Exploring Conscious Territories together with Alejandro 
Nolla Hernandez, Katherine Newton and Susanne Hartmann. Hégenheim, France (C)

Künstlerhaus Bergedorf. Scar, intervened canvas with bark tree and plaster. Curated by Farideh Jamshidi, Kyung-Hwa Choi-Ahoi & Peter Boué. Hamburg, Germany (C)

Kuntshalle Trier. Footprint, 15 mt frottage. Collective exhibition SúnPoíēsis curated by Sabina Oroshi. Trier, Germany  (C)

Künstlerhaus Sootbörn. Mercurio, photography. International collective exhibition Everyone but Caspar! with more than 500 artist worldwide, Hamburg, Germany (C)

Frappant Galerie e.V. Footprint, 15 mt frottage. Curated by Maya Hayda from curatorial group Collective Rewilding. Hamburg, Germany (C)

B.A.L.L. Bundesweites Artist Labor der Labore. Bühne, Publication. Commissioned by Hajusom e.V. supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste. Presented at Kampnagel. 
Hamburg, Germany.	

M.S. Stubnitz. Power of water, Installation with sound and video, concept elena victoria pastor, sound in collaboration with David Huss. Dass8Meeer  exhibition curated by 
Giulia Busetti. Hamburg, Germany (C)

Klima Ströme. Freshwater Stories, Installation with video and sound. Entenwerder Elbpiraten e.V. funded by Das Zukunfts Paket, the Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung & the NUE 
Foundation. Hamburg, Germany (C)

National Gallery of Arts. Mirilla, installation. Collective female exhibition Proyecto Creradoras curated by Lorena Gonzalez Inneco, with the support of Banco de Desarrollo 
de America Latina y el Caribe CAF, Volante Studio and GBG Arts. Caracas, Venezuela (C)

Conference at PSi Performance International Studies 28 Uhambo. In search of a new symbiosis, installation. Johanesburg, Sotuh Africa (C)

San Punta des Molí. Mercurio, photography and audio piece. En Transito, at San Antoni de Portmany. Ibiza, Spain (C)

Mikropol e.V. Allegro Verde, final part: Hamburg. Photography, video perfomrance installation. Hamburg, Germany (S)

MOM Gallery Gängeviertel. Comisuras, video performance. Group exhibition Sexed Power curated by Dawmar Rauwald. Hamburg, Germany (C)

La Casa Disiente. Allegro Verde, photography, videoperformance, frotage, installation with video mapping and elements of nature, plastic work on canvas. Co-curated together 
with Giuliana Marmo. Caracas, Venezuela (S)

XIII Internatiojnal Videoart Festival NodoCCS. La Venus de Tacarigua, video art. Caracas, Venezuela (C) 

Muestra Dislocada/Dislocated International Video performance. Breaking Point, video performance. Showcase at Goa, India & Philadelphia, USA (C)

ULA International Art Biennial. La Venus de Tacarigua, video art. First price in Videoart. Merida, Venezuela.

Hinterconti. Composting Performance. Concept elena victoria pastor & Dörte Habrihost, collaboration Nader Hamzeh, Elena Friedrich and ANna Tautfest. Curated by Dos Pfeil 
& Katrin Köhler, Work on the Spot exhibition. Hamburg, Germany (C) 

Sammlung Falckenberg Deichtorhallen. In search of a new symbiosis, video mapping performative installation with sound piece and elements of nature. collaboration video 
mapping, Fabián Villasana. Ausstellung Arbeitsstipendium für bildende Kunst der Freien und Hansestadt. Hamburg, Germany (C)

Festival Carbonale. S/T, photography. Selected works or residents from Vorwerk-Stift Künstler_innen Haus. Hamburg, Germany (C)

Between EBB and Flow: interstitial spaces. Leaving Paradise. Intalatallion with sound and video mapping. Curated by Giulia Busetti at MundHalle. Hamburg, Germany.

MOM Gallery, Gängeviertel. Ly-rics of musica para planchar. Performance. Group exhibition Sexed Power curated by Dagmar Rauwald. Hamburg, Germany (C)

Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof KVHBH. La Venus de Tacarigua. Photography, video and object. “Grind&Shine” curator collective Cake&Cash at Vitrinen Gleich 2&3.
Hamburg, Germany (S)

Vorwerk-Stift Künstler_innen Haus. S/T. Photography and sound piece. Festival Pandenale Group exhibition with the artist in residence. Hamburg, Germany (C)

Festival TRAVERSE Überquerung der Grenzen. ONE. Performance long durational. Curated by Scheune6LOFT. Eifel, Germany (C)

Masion Florida. Everything / Nothing. Performance. Festival TRAVERSE part1. Hasselt, Belgium (C)  

KuBIZ Schule Berne e.V. Cafe and Küchen, Performance. Krawall im All e.V mit Freunde. Hamburg, Germany (C)  

Gallery 21. ËTTË. Photography, video and installation together with Maria Virginia Perez. Hamburg, Germany (DUO)

XV International Festival of Performance Choroni. Mar Caribe. Video performance. Aragua, Venezuela (C)

Kunsthaus Hamburg. Paraiso Tropical. Performance installation. Supported by the working grant for visual arts of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg 2021.
Hamburg, Germany (C)

RuinsZu. Performing as Magnolia with Maschin Kaput as opening act for the japanese and italian band. Hafengkalng. Hamburg, Germany.

Gängeviertel Geburstag 15. Performing as Magnolia with Maschin Kaput. Fabrik. Hamburg, Germany.

Implantations. Experimental impro. Together with David Walraf. Frappant Galerie e.V. Hamburg, Germany.

El sueño de Chiloé. Sound experimental impro at the Doombia Festival. Together with David Huss & Pedro Torres.Hamburg, Germany.

Kimonale Skandale. Performing as Magnolia with Maschin Kaput and Felix Mayar, Malte Struck. Sommer Fest at Vorwerk-Stift Künstler_innen Haus. Hamburg, Germany.

Atem zum Wind. Experimental music impro: wind instruments, vocals and selfmade instruments from communities of Amazonia. Together with Hannes Wienert at Klima Ströme
a project of Entenwerder Elbpiraten e.V. Funded by Das Zukunfts Paket, Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung & NEU Fondation. Hamburg, Germany.

Einfach Machen. Performing as Magnolia with Maschin Kaput. Gut is Gut villa. Hamburg, Germany.

Rum Snake. Experimental music impro. together with David Huss & Michael Steinhausser at the experimental Festival Blurred Edges.Schrank Galerie. Hamburg, Germany.

Allegro Verde, final part: Hamburg. Experimental music impro: vocals and wind instruments. Together with Hannes Wienert at Mikropol e.V. Hamburg, Germany.

Misofonías: Allegro Verde. Free experimental improvisation concert together with Adrián Arias Pomontty. La Casa Disiente. Caracas, Venezuela.

Misofonías: Yo retrato. Free experimental improvisation. La Casa Disiente. Caracas, Venezuela.

No Scape Room. Performing as Magnolia with Maschin Kaput for the opening of the exhibition. M.S. Stubnitz. Hamburg, Germany.

Leaving Paradise. Improvisational experimental concert with Michael Steinhauser & Yves Cruchot. Mundhalle. Hamburg, Germany.

High Peak. Organizing and performing as Magnolia with Maschin Kaput for the Experimental Music Festival Blurred Edges at ZOLLO/PARKS supported by VAHM and 
MusikFonds. Hamburg, Germany.

Trauben Türen Terminals. Performing for the JAJAJA at City Artlife Touren in the context of Kampnagel Sommer Festival. Hamburg, Germany.

Allegro Verde Zine. Publication of Zine, concept by elena victoria pastor, design Natalia Pinto Braumüller and riso print Stern Stundes des Kapitalismus. Hamburg, Germany.

Lecture performance with Anna Tautfest. In the context of the exhibition La Venus de Tacarigua curator collective Cake&Cash at Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof KVHBH
Vitrinen Gleich 2&3. Hamburg, Germany.

The Feast: second edition. Collective workshop performance of Afrocaribbean dance and music by Graziele Sena & Morin González Mena. Nova Cafe, Hamburg, Germany.

Helado. Performance. Happening. Karo-Mix by Carlos Andrés Rico. Hamburg, Germany.

Laboratory of Silence. Working space, rehearsal & exhibition with Dörthe Habighorst and Felix Mayer. Hinterconti. Hamburg, Germany.

Lost Flamingo. Performance with music and dance together with Homero Alonso. Selva Kultursommer Edition, Faktor Künstlerhaus Kultursommer. Hamburg, Germany. 

The Feast. Collective workshop performance of Afrocaribbean dance and music by Graziele Sena & Morin González Mena. Nova Cafe, Cultural Summer. Hamburg, Germany.

Lockdown landscapes. Sound performance. Supported by Verband für aktuelle Musik. Hamburg, Germany.

When me and my goat friend find bread. Sound performance by Tintin Patrone. Festival of Intangible Arts, Elbphilharmonie. Hamburg, Germany. 

Über Leben. Video performance and dance workshop by Trinidad Martinez. KEBAP. Hamburg, Germany. 

My heart is full of love. Yodel performance by Tintin Patrone. Swan Song, Sofia Art Week. Sofia & Welt in Teil, Kunstverein St. Pauli. Hamburg, Germany.

Art Circle International. Internationales Kunstfestival in St. Wolfgang supported by Wolfgangsee Tourismus. Wolfgangsee, Austria.

Sintropía Gavilán, directed by Pedro Marrero Fuenmayor. Caracas, Venezuela.

Art Circle 2022 / International Visual Arts Festival. Supported by German Embassy. Brda, Slovenia.

Maison Florida, exchange of residence with Elke Cuppens. Hasselt, Belgium.

Fundación Sala Mendoza & Universidad Metropolitana. Contemporary Latin American Art Diploma (DACL) Caracas, Venezuela.

Blank Paper School. Photography Project Development. Prof. Antonio Xoubanova & Fosi Vegue. Madrid, Spain.

Observatorio de Cine. Documentary Filmmaking. Prof. Cristian Pauls & Dario Doria. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2000 - 2005
Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Journalism major in visual media. Thesis Prof. curator Ariel Jimenez & film director Carlos Caridad Montero. Caracas, Venezuela.