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Atem zum Wind

Experimental improvisation concert

Vocals and instruments from the Amazonas
elena victoria pastor

Wind instruments
Hannes Wienert

Worshop children facilator supporter Lina Figueroa García

Hamburg, 2023

The air we exhale as a breath of life also becomes a vehicle for narratives and songs. Similarly, when air is expelled through instruments or devices, it creates evocative soundscapes. In a dialogue of sound through improvisation with wind instruments and vocalizations inspired by shamanic chants, the performers established a spiritual connection that transcended boundaries, linking the global north with the global south.

Through the act of improvisation, new narratives were woven that dismantled cultural and historical barriers, painting a sonic landscape that, combined with the sounds generated from natural materials, invited the audience to experience a more intimate communion with their surroundings, rekindling a deeper connection to the Earth. The performance encouraged reflection on the inherent beauty and harmony in the interaction between the divine and the earthly, creating a sonic abstraction of anthropocentric paradigms and narratives related to the natural world.

To conclude the concert, a group of children, who had previously participated in a workshop on making musical instruments inspired by the traditional crafts of Amazonian indigenous peoples, joined Hannes and elena victoria on stage to create music together with their handmade instruments.

Performed at Klimaströme Das Fest der Elbe. Curated by Kajan Luc.

Klimaströme  is a project of Entenwerder Elbpiraten e.V. and is supported by Das Zukunfts Paket, Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung & NUE-Stiftung.

full concert > here
images: Felix Amsel & Öncü Gültekin