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La Venus de Tacarigua

Multimedia propossal for billboars at train station Harburg.

Hamburg, 2022.

In "The Venus of Tacarigua," Elena Victoria invites pedestrians at the Harburg train station to confront and contemplate their gaze upon the female body. This multimedia installation delves into the representation of female bodies, examining the predominantly male canons found in pictorial art and the colonial research conducted by archaeologists regarding femininity in Valencoide culture in Venezuela.

The artwork encompasses various mediums, including performance, photography, video art, and voice-over narration accessible through QR codes. Modeling gestures are scattered throughout the installation, enhancing the viewer's engagement. Elena Victoria was invited by the female collective Cake&Cash to present her work in showcases 2 and 3 at the Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof art space.

This project was made possible with the generous support of BKM Hamburg and Bezirkamt Harburg. 

La Venus de Tacarigua is currently on the PerformVu platform, a space to support the community of performance art authors. I invite you to discover it, see the work and many more authors around the world.

Enter PerformVu > here
Images: Maik Graef.